CDK Aspects Introduction
CDK Aspects are a powerful tool provided by the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). They are utilizing the
Visitor Pattern. By applying a CDK Aspect to a specific scope
, you
get access to every child node within it. You can inspect them or alter them. That scope
can be any IConstruct
includes App
and Stack
as they extend Construct
. Therefore an Aspect can be applied at various levels.
CDK Aspects are a way to apply an operation to every construct in a given scope.
This should be enough on a high level about what CDK Aspects are for this post. I have written a post on the Learn AWS hashnode blog about The Power of AWS CDK Aspects. Read that post if you are interested in some more theory.
In this post, I will show you a few possible implementations of custom CDK Aspects on how you can leverage third-party Aspects. We will create Aspects that alter your infrastructure, that show errors, that take arguments and that don’t take arguments.
The goal is that you should be able to write your own Aspects and have a better idea of possible use cases for CDK Aspects.
You can find all the code in a CDK app that you can play around with in my GitHub repository JannikWempe/cdk-aspects-examples.
Implementing Custom CDK Aspects
Aspects have a small interface. This is what we have to implement creating our own custom Aspects:
interface IAspect { visit(node: IConstruct): void;}
This terms visit
(based on Visitor Pattern), node
, and IConstruct
should already be familiar to you after the
introduction. The visit
method will be called for every node
within the scope
you are applying the Aspect to.
Example 1: Applying Tags
The standard way of applying tags in a CDK app is by using
Tags.of(scope).add(key, value)
. You know what?
That is already using an Aspect.
But maybe you want something more custom and make certain tags required.
This is how a custom ApplyTags
Aspect could look like:
type Tags = { [key: string]: string } & { stage: 'dev' | 'staging' | 'prod'; project: string; owner: string;};
class ApplyTags implements IAspect { #tags: Tags;
constructor(tags: Tags) { this.#tags = tags; }
visit(node: IConstruct) { if (TagManager.isTaggable(node)) { Object.entries(this.#tags).forEach(([key, value]) => { this.applyTag(node, key, value); }); } }
applyTag(resource: ITaggable, key: string, value: string) { resource.tags.setTag(key, value); }}
In visit
we narrow down the node
to a construct that is taggable by checking if TagManager.isTaggable(node)
truthy. After that, we go ahead and add the desired tags.
TypeScript helps here because you won’t be able to just call setTag
on any IConstruct
. You have to filter out the
resources that are not taggable. This is a common pattern for Aspects: You narrow down all the nodes to the resources
you want to act upon.
This is how you apply ApplyTags
on the App
const app = new cdk.App();const myStack = new MyStack(app, 'MyStack');
const appAspects = Aspects.of(app);
appAspects.add( new ApplyTags({ stage: 'dev', project: 'CDK Aspects', owner: 'Jannik Wempe', }),);
You first call Aspects.of(scope)
to get access to the Aspects
within scope
and add your own Aspect to it.
This will add three tags to all taggable resources that are within your app
Example 2: Enabling S3 Bucket Versioning
This example will show you how to alter constructs within the scope. Use this power responsively as you will end up in a mess if you overuse this.
You want to enable bucket versioning for all of your buckets? You could create your own VersionedBucket
by extending
. But that is probably not the best idea. You would end up maintaining your own L2 construct and the
requirements for that bucket will increase. You will end up with a custom bucket construct that would have tons of props
in order to be suitable for all sorts of scenarios. Using an Aspect for that is more maintainable – and it requires
fewer lines of code.
class EnableBucketVersioning implements IAspect { visit(node: IConstruct) { if (node instanceof CfnBucket) { node.versioningConfiguration = { status: 'Enabled', }; } }}
That’s it. All of your CfnBucket
s within scope
will be versioned.
Note that all Bucket
s (L2 construct) are a CfnBucket
(L1 construct) but CfnBucket
s are not necessarily a Bucket
Double check that you are narrowing down to the desired ones by adding some console.log
s – as a real developer does 😅
Example 3: Enforcing Minimum Lambda Node Runtime Version
As mentioned in the previous example, altering all kinds of constructs through Aspects can end up in a mess that is hard to debug. Displaying an error and letting the developer intentionally change the code might be the better option. This is what we will do in this example.
Let us create an Aspect that checks all Lambda functions runtime versions and enforces a minimum NodeJS version being
used. We pass a minimumNodeRuntimeVersion: Runtime
into the constructor
of our
Aspect (Yes, I know, it is a creative name 😅). The Aspect would check every
Lambda functions runtime and adds an error to the functions Annotations
if the check fails:
class EnforceMinimumLambdaNodeRuntimeVersion implements IAspect { #minimumNodeRuntimeVersion: Runtime;
constructor(minimumNodeRuntimeVersion: Runtime) { if ( !== RuntimeFamily.NODEJS) { throw new Error('Minimum NodeJS runtime version must be a NodeJS runtime'); } this.#minimumNodeRuntimeVersion = minimumNodeRuntimeVersion; }
visit(node: IConstruct) { if (node instanceof CfnFunction) { // runtime is optional for functions not being deployed from a package if (!node.runtime) { throw new Error(`Runtime not specified for ${node.node.path}`); }
if (!node.runtime.includes('nodejs')) return;
const actualNodeJsRuntimeVersion = this.parseNodeRuntimeVersion(node.runtime); const minimumNodeJsRuntimeVersion = this.parseNodeRuntimeVersion(;
if (actualNodeJsRuntimeVersion < minimumNodeJsRuntimeVersion) { Annotations.of(node).addError( `Node.js runtime version ${node.runtime} is less than the minimum version ${}.`, ); } } }
private parseNodeRuntimeVersion(runtimeName: string): number { const runtimeVersion = runtimeName.replace('nodejs', '').split('.')[0]; return +runtimeVersion; }}
This one is slightly more complex but it follows the same principles as the previous example. The main difference is the
part. We don’t throw an error that would abort the synthesis and show an ugly,
unhelpful stack tract, but we are adding an error annotation to the construct itself. This is what error annotations
would look like:
[Error at /MyStack/MyLambda1/Resource] Node.js runtime version nodejs12.x is less than the minimum version nodejs16.x.[Error at /MyStack/MyLambda2/Resource] Node.js runtime version nodejs12.x is less than the minimum version nodejs16.x.
Note that it shows two errors. The synthesis doesn’t stop after the first one.
Example 4: Configure Lambda Log Groups
This one is also different from the previous ones. We now want to add an actual resource. Lambda functions are creating
their CloudWatch log groups implicitly. You won’t be able to see the log groups in the synthesized CloudFormation
template but they will be created for you. That is why we can’t just narrow the node
in visit
down to CfnLogGroup
The log group won’t be there.
In order to customize a log group of a Lambda we have to explicitly create it with the logGroupName
. We can pass configurations to that explicitly created log group.
This is what it looks like:
class LambdaLogGroupConfig implements IAspect { #logGroupProps?: Omit<LogGroupProps, 'logGroupName'>;
constructor(logGroupProps?: Omit<LogGroupProps, 'logGroupName'>) { this.#logGroupProps = logGroupProps; }
visit(construct: IConstruct) { if (construct instanceof CfnFunction) { this.createLambdaLogGroup(construct); } }
private createLambdaLogGroup(lambda: CfnFunction) { new LogGroup(lambda, 'LogGroup', { ...this.#logGroupProps, logGroupName: `/aws/lambda/${lambda.ref}`, }); }}
To be honest, this one was hard for me as it has some caveats. Thanks, Glib Shpychka for helping me out on the Slack channel.
We can pass all LogGroupProps
to the Aspect excluding the logGroupName
as this is the prop that connects the
to the CfnFunction
. We again narrow down the node to the construct we are interested in: CfnFunction
. Now
we create a LogGroup
and are using the CfnFunction
construct itself as the scope
for that LogGroup
. This helps
us to avoid conflicts in the CDK-generated logical IDs as the scope will be used to generate a prefix.
Now you might wonder what the lambda.ref
is about and why it’s not just lambda.functionName
. This is the tricky
It is
best practice to not assign specific resource names to your constructs but rather let CDK generate them for you.
If you log lambda.functionName
to the console you would see something like this: ${Token[TOKEN.246]}
. It is a
. What is a Token
Tokens represent values that can only be resolved at a later time in the lifecycle of an app.
(from CDK docs - Tokens)
I tried different kinds of things to resolve the Token
(e.g. checking Token.isUnresolved
) but nothing was working.
The solution was to use CfnRefElement.ref
which lets you access the CloudFormation { Ref }
element – the physical
With LambdaLogGroupConfig
you could configure all Lambda functions log groups based on the environment like this:
appAspects.add( new LambdaLogGroupConfig({ retention: === 'prod' ? RetentionDays.ONE_MONTH : RetentionDays.ONE_WEEK, }),);
// OR
const myProdStackAspects = Aspects.of(myProdStack);myProdStackAspects.add( new LambdaLogGroupConfig({ retention: RetentionDays.ONE_MONTH, }),);
const myDevStackAspects = Aspects.of(myDevStack);myDevStackAspects.add( new LambdaLogGroupConfig({ retention: RetentionDays.ONE_WEEK, }),);
Using 3rd-Party CDK Aspects
There are already useful CDK Aspects out there that are ready to be used in your CDK application. In this section I want to give you an example for one of them: One of them is cdk-nag.
contains several Aspects to check your applications for best practices. It is especially useful if you need to
be HIPAA-compliant or have other compliance requirements. It is inspired by
cfn_nag which is a a tool checking for patterns in your CloudFormation
After installing cdk-nag
with your favorite package manager (e.g. npm install cdk-nag
) you can use one of the
Aspects just like the others above:
const app = new cdk.App();new MyStack(app, 'MyStack');
const appAspects = Aspects.of(app);appAspects.add(new AwsSolutionsChecks());
The AwsSolutionChecks
includes a lot of rules
which is why you initial output after trying to synthesize your app could look something like this:
[Error at /MyStack/CdkAssertionsQueue/Resource] AwsSolutions-SQS2: The SQS Queue does not have server-side encryption enabled.[Error at /MyStack/CdkAssertionsQueue/Resource] AwsSolutions-SQS3: The SQS queue does not have a dead-letter queue (DLQ) enabled or have a cdk-nag rule suppression indicating it is a DLQ.[Error at /MyStack/CdkAssertionsQueue/Resource] AwsSolutions-SQS4: The SQS queue does not require requests to use SSL.[Error at /MyStack/MyBucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S1: The S3 Bucket has server access logs disabled.[Error at /MyStack/MyBucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S2: The S3 Bucket does not have public access restricted and blocked.[Error at /MyStack/MyBucket/Resource] AwsSolutions-S10: The S3 Bucket or bucket policy does not require requests to use SSL.
Each rule has an identifier like AwsSolutions-S2
. You can
turn off rules individually.
We had a look at different possibilities you have when creating your own CDK Aspects and have used a 3rd-party Aspect as well. By now you should have a good idea of how to work with CDK Aspects. Maybe you even have some use cases in mind in which Aspects could be helpful.
There is also one other useful use case that I haven’t explicitly shown above: You can alter constructs that you don’t have direct access to. Imagine using a 3rd party L3 construct that does not expose ways to customize one of the underlying resources. You can create a CDK Aspect and apply it to that 3rd party construct.
All the code is on GitHub JannikWempe/cdk-aspects-examples.
Thanks for reading this article ✌🏼