9 #aws Posts

Why and How to Use Snapshot Tests in AWS CDK

7 min read

When I first encountered snapshot tests, I was skeptical. The concept seemed strange, and their benefits weren't immediately obvious. But after experiencing their value firsthand, I've become a convert – and here's why I think you should give them a ...

How to Securely Use Secrets in AWS Lambda?

7 min read

It is quite common to need a secret value of some kind in a Lambda function. Either for a database connection, a 3-rd party service, or whatever else. But how to securely use secrets in your Lambda? In this post, I am going to tell you why environme...

Mastering AWS CDK Aspects

10 min read

CDK Aspects Introduction CDK Aspects are a powerful tool provided by the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). They are utilizing the Visitor Pattern. By applying a CDK Aspect to a specific scope, you get access to every child node within it. You can insp...

How to Run Lambda on a Schedule

8 min read

Running arbitrary code on a schedule is a very common use case. A common way of doing that is by using cron jobs. But how would you do that in the cloud (specifically AWS) without having to run a Linux instance or something similar? What We Are Going...

AWS Cross-Account Access

6 min read

I recently set up an AWS organization to follow the best practice to use a multi-account environment (read "Why should I set up a multi-account AWS environment?"). That was quite easy using Control Tower, which sets up an organization with some accou...